Why is Hand Hygiene of Health Personnel Important?

Why is Hand Hygiene of Health Personnel Important?

Hand hygiene is one of the most critical and fundamental components of healthcare services. Attention to hand hygiene by healthcare personnel is an indispensable practice to ensure the safety of patients and healthcare workers. The importance given to hand hygiene in order to prevent and prevent the spread of infections directly affects the quality of health services. So, what is the importance of hand hygiene and why is it an issue that needs to be emphasised so much?

The cornerstone of hand hygiene: Health Personnel

Healthcare personnel are the group that should be most careful about hand hygiene as they are in direct contact with patients. A significant proportion of infections commonly encountered in hospitals and healthcare institutions are transmitted through hands. Therefore, hand hygiene of healthcare personnel is one of the most effective methods to prevent healthcare-associated infections (HAIs).

International health authorities such as the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) emphasise that hand hygiene is critical for infection control. Hand washing or the use of alcohol-based hand antiseptics effectively removes microorganisms from hands and thus significantly reduces the risk of infection.

The Impact of Hand Hygiene on Health

Ensuring hand hygiene protects the health of both healthcare workers and patients. In hospital environments, healthcare personnel are constantly in contact with different patients and medical devices. This increases the risk of spread of microorganisms through hands. When hand hygiene is not ensured, microorganisms from one patient or environment can easily be transmitted to another patient, which can lead to the rapid spread of infections.

In addition, lack of attention to hand hygiene may lead to infection transmission to healthcare workers. This situation both jeopardises employee health and may cause loss of workforce. Therefore, ensuring hand hygiene is of great importance not only for patient safety but also for protecting the health of healthcare workers.

Application and Product Selection in Hand Hygiene

Hand hygiene not only needs to be carried out in the right way at the right time, but also using appropriate products. Detro Healthcare’s hand and skin antiseptics are designed for daily use by healthcare professionals and are suitable for all skin types. These antiseptics stand out with their fast-acting formulas and broad microbiological activity. The products, which are available in various options, have been developed to suit all skin types.

When choosing a product for hand hygiene, factors such as duration of efficacy, skin compatibility and ease of use should be considered.

Cultural and Educational Aspects of Hand Hygiene

Ensuring hand hygiene is not only an individual responsibility but also an institutional culture. Healthcare institutions should organise training programmes emphasising the importance of hand hygiene and raise awareness on this issue. Regular trainings for healthcare personnel ensure that hand hygiene is included in daily routines and help them to raise awareness on this issue.

Hand hygiene trainings should cover a wide range of topics including hand washing technique, indications for hand hygiene and correct antiseptic use. Trainings should include practical information for healthcare personnel to fulfil hand hygiene practices in the best way.

Hand Hygiene: One Small Step for Global Health

Hand hygiene is the cornerstone of infection control and a critical step towards achieving global health goals. Hand hygiene, which may seem like a small habit, makes a big difference in the prevention of nosocomial infections when applied correctly. Increasing the importance given to hand hygiene in healthcare organisations provides great benefits in terms of protecting the health of both patients and healthcare workers.

As a result, the importance of hand hygiene is a factor that directly affects the quality and safety of healthcare services. Detro Healthcare provides services with a wide range of products to ensure the best hand hygiene of healthcare personnel. Floor and surface disinfectants, hand and skin antiseptics, cleaners and care, environmental disinfectants, instrument cleaners and care, and other products support safe and effective hygiene practices in the healthcare sector.

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