Hygiene is the Most Effective Way to Protect Against the Danger of Influenza

Hygiene is the Most Effective Way to Protect Against the Danger of Influenza

Influenza, also known as flu, is a viral infection affecting the respiratory tract that spreads rapidly, especially in winter months. This disease, which can have a wide range of effects from mild symptoms to severe complications, can be largely prevented by paying attention to personal and environmental hygiene rules. Paying particular attention to hand hygiene and surface disinfection is one of the most effective ways to reduce the risk of transmission of the virus.

What is Influenza? Symptoms and Transmission Routes

Influenza is a virus that can be seen in three different types, A, B and C. The most commonly encountered types A and B cause seasonal flu epidemics. The virus is transmitted through droplets spread by sick individuals during coughing, sneezing or talking. In addition, contact with the mouth, nose or eyes by hands that come into contact with infected surfaces also increases the risk of transmission.

Symptoms of influenza include:

  • High fever
  • Severe muscle and joint pain
  • Headache
  • Dry cough
  • Weakness and fatigue
  • Sore throat and runny nose

Influenza can cause serious health problems, especially for the elderly, children, people with chronic illnesses and people with weakened immune systems. It is therefore vital to take preventive measures.

The Role of Hygiene in Influenza Prevention

One of the most effective methods to prevent the spread of viruses is to strictly follow hygiene rules. When it comes to hygiene, not only personal hygiene, but also keeping the environments where we live and work clean should be understood.

  • Hands come into contact with many different surfaces during the day and are one of the biggest carriers of infectious diseases. Regular hand washing plays a critical role in preventing influenza.
  • Frequently touched surfaces such as door handles, telephone screens and computer keyboards should be disinfected regularly.
  • The use of masks in public transport and crowded environments helps prevent the spread of the virus.

Hand Hygiene: The First Line of Defence in Reducing the Risk of Infection

The World Health Organisation (WHO) and the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) emphasise that one of the most effective ways to prevent respiratory diseases such as influenza is to pay attention to hand hygiene.

It is recommended to wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. In the absence of soap and water, alcohol-based hand antiseptics should be used. At this point, alcohol-based hand and skin antiseptics such as Detro Derm Soft offer ideal solutions for hygiene. These products, which make it possible to clean at any time thanks to their practical use, help to protect especially in public areas.

Surface Disinfection: Take Precautions Against Hidden Dangers

The influenza virus can remain viable on surfaces for hours or even days. Therefore, it is essential that frequently contacted surfaces are regularly disinfected. The following measures should be taken to ensure surface cleaning in environments such as home, workplace and hospital:

  • Door handles, table surfaces, kitchen worktops and electronic devices should be disinfected regularly.
  • Surface cleaners with effective biocidal product licence should be used in disinfection processes.
  • Instead of bleach-based products, professional disinfectants that are both effective and reliable should be preferred.

Pay Attention to Hygiene Rules in Common Areas!

Crowded environments favour the rapid spread of influenza and other respiratory infections. Hygiene measures should be increased in areas such as schools, offices, hospitals and public transport:

  • Hand sanitiser should be available in public areas and frequent use should be encouraged.
  • Social distancing rules should be observed in crowded areas.
  • Common items (phones, keyboards, door handles, etc.) should be cleaned regularly.
  • Ventilation systems should be checked regularly and the environment should be ventilated with fresh air.

Recommendations for Strengthening the Immune System and Prevention of Influenza

In addition to paying attention to hygiene rules, strengthening the immune system is also an important step in flu prevention. A healthy immune system makes the body more resistant to viruses.

To support the immune system:

  • Plenty of water should be consumed
  • A diet rich in vegetables and fruits, vitamins and minerals should be adopted
  • Get enough sleep
  • Regular exercise should be done
  • Stress must be controlled.

In conclusion, the most effective way to prevent infectious diseases such as influenza is to strictly observe hygiene rules. Hand hygiene, surface disinfection and precautions in common areas can prevent the spread of viruses to a great extent. Individuals who maintain hygiene habits in all areas of daily life take an important step in protecting both their own health and public health.

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