


Today, hospitals and healthcare organisations rigorously follow a series of hygiene protocols to ensure the safety of patients and healthcare staff. An important part of these protocols are products that provide effective hygiene and disinfection. Detrox, which has been in the hospital sector for years, has brought many products to the sector in the light of its experience and customer satisfaction. You can find disinfectants and antiseptics in different forms that can be used in all areas of hospitals on our website.

Why Use Hospital Disinfectants?

Infection Control: Hospitals comply with hygiene standards to reduce the risk of spreading many different diseases. Disinfectants provide infection control in hospital environments by eliminating pathogens on surfaces and equipment.

Safety of Health Workers: Healthcare workers are in direct contact with patients and are therefore at high risk of exposure to infection. Properly used disinfectants and antiseptics increase the safety of staff and reduce the risk of infection of patients while receiving healthcare services.

Patient Safety: Patients receiving treatment are more susceptible to infections due to their already weakened immune systems. Hospital disinfectants play a critical role in ensuring the safety of these vulnerable patients.

Hospital disinfectants are a critical element in helping healthcare organisations maintain a safe and sterile environment. The correct selection and use of these products plays an important role in protecting the health of patients and healthcare staff. As Detrox, we are at your side with our hospital disinfectant and antiseptic products to provide the right hygiene and effective disinfection you need.

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