A Vital Task for Endoscopy Nurses: Hygiene and Disinfection

A Vital Task for Endoscopy Nurses: Hygiene and Disinfection

Endoscopy is one of the most important diagnostic and therapeutic methods of modern medicine. This method, which improves the quality of life of patients and reduces the need for surgical intervention, may also bring the risk of spread of microorganisms. The role of endoscopy nurses at this point is of vital importance. Disinfection and hygienic

Ways to Reduce the Risk of Infection in Hospitals

Ways to Reduce the Risk of Infection in Hospitals

Although hospitals are the most critical areas where healthcare services are provided , they are also high-risk environments where infections can spread. Nosocomial infections (HAIs) pose a major threat not only to patients but also to healthcare workers and visitors. In addition to increasing treatment costs, these infections can prolong the recovery process and cause

Disinfection of Hospital Equipment: A Vital Process

Disinfection of Hospital Equipment: A Vital Process

Hospitals are places where many people apply to improve their health, but also where the risk of infection is quite high. Hospital-acquired infections are one of the serious dangers that threaten the health of patients and healthcare workers. Preventing the spread of these infections depends on the correct cleaning and disinfection of equipment. Disinfection of

How Can We Protect Against Bacteria and Viruses?

How Can We Protect Against Bacteria and Viruses?

Bacteria and viruses are microscopic organisms that threaten our health. Both types can cause diseases, so it is very important to know how to prevent them. In this article, we will look at how we can protect ourselves against bacteria and viruses. We will also detail the effective cleaning methods necessary to prevent the spread

Why is Hand Hygiene of Health Personnel Important?

Why is Hand Hygiene of Health Personnel Important?

Hand hygiene is one of the most critical and fundamental components of healthcare services. Attention to hand hygiene by healthcare personnel is an indispensable practice to ensure the safety of patients and healthcare workers. The importance given to hand hygiene in order to prevent and prevent the spread of infections directly affects the quality of

Daily Precautions for Hygienic Life

Daily Precautions for Hygienic Life

Hygiene is a fundamental element for maintaining a healthy life. By taking simple but effective hygiene measures in daily life, you can prevent diseases and protect your health. In this article, you will find detailed information about the importance of hygiene and hygienic measures you can take in daily life. Why Hygiene is Important? Hygiene

Monkeypox: A Comprehensive Guide

Monkeypox: A Comprehensive Guide

Monkeypox, which we have heard about frequently around the world recently, is of great concern to both health experts and the public. In this article, you will find everything you wonder about this contagious disease. What is Monkeypox (MPOX)? Monkeypox is an infectious zoonotic disease caused by M-Pox virus (MPox), a member of the genus

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