
Detro Sept AF

Alcohol Based Spray Disinfectant for Medical Devices and Equipment

Detro Sept AF is an alcohol-based disinfectant specially designed to provide disinfection of medical devices. It is ideal for disinfecting the surfaces of polystyrene, stainless steel, pvc, polycarbonate, ceramic, ABS, silicone, HDPE, rubber, glass equipment and medical devices.

Detro Sept AF has been developed as a reliable product for cleaning staff and healthcare professionals and offers a broad spectrum of action covering rapid disinfection.

Areas of Use:

Incubators, aerators used in dentistry
Disinfection compulsory medical devices used in ENT examinations
Equipment/medical devices made of polystyrene, stainless steel, PVC, polycarbonate, ceramic, ABS, silicone, HDPE, rubber, glass


Detro Sept AF

    Aldehyde and phenol free.
    It is fast acting, provides fast drying without leaving residue. Wide material compatibility.
    Suitable for disinfection of medical devices.
    Class II A according to the medical device directive.


    10% ethyl alcohol, 20% isopropanol, 0,25% didecylmethylpolyoxyethylammonium propionate

    Microbiological Activity:

    1 minute bactericidal, fungicidal, 5 minutes virucidal, tuberculocidal activity.

    It is sprayed to completely cover the pre-cleaned medical device.

    It is left for the duration of the event and wiped with a sterile, particle-free cloth.

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